PACKAGE NAME: xsession-1.1-i486-1salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/desktop PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 32 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 128 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: libICE,libSM,libX11,libXau,libXaw,libXdmcp,libXext,libXmu,libXpm,libXt,libxcb,util-linux PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xsession: xsession (session manager for X) xsession: xsession: The xsession program is a session manager. It is normally executed by xsession: your ~/.xinitrc (or ~/.xsession) script and controls your X Window xsession: session. As soon as it is started, xsession launches a window manager xsession: and some applications of your choice. At anytime during your session, xsession: you may switch to another window manager or execute some other xsession: applications from the xsession menus. xsession: xsession: xsession: xsession-1.1.README