PACKAGE NAME: wmstickynotes-0.7-i586-1salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/desktop PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 25 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 100 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: aaa_libraries|bzip2,aaa_libraries|glib2,aaa_libraries|libffi,aaa_libraries|libjpeg-turbo,aaa_libraries|libpng,aaa_libraries|pcre,aaa_libraries|xz,atk,brotli,cairo,fontconfig,freetype,fribidi,gdk-pixbuf2,glib2,graphite2,gtk+2,harfbuzz,libX11,libXau,libXcomposite,libXcursor,libXdamage,libXdmcp,libXext,libXfixes,libXi,libXinerama,libXrandr,libXrender,libglvnd,libxcb,libxml2,pango,pixman,util-linux,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: wmstickynotes: wmstickynotes (dock application) wmstickynotes: wmstickynotes: wmstickynotes is a dockapp which allows you to create note windows. wmstickynotes: wmstickynotes: + Left click the note icon to create a new note; wmstickynotes: + Right click the note icon to get a menu of colors; wmstickynotes: + Click the x in the top right of a note to delete it; and wmstickynotes: + Drag the bottom right corner of a note to resize it. wmstickynotes: wmstickynotes: Right click a note to get an options menu. wmstickynotes: