diff -Naur baires/Makefile baires.patched/Makefile
--- baires/Makefile	2010-04-22 10:40:41.000000000 -0400
+++ baires.patched/Makefile	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for building: baires
-# Generated by qmake (2.01a) (Qt 4.6.2) on: Thu Apr 22 11:40:41 2010
-# Project:  baires.pro
-# Template: app
-# Command: /usr/bin/qmake -spec /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -unix CONFIG+=debug_and_release CONFIG+=debug -o Makefile baires.pro
-first: debug
-install: debug-install
-uninstall: debug-uninstall
-MAKEFILE      = Makefile
-QMAKE         = /usr/bin/qmake
-DEL_FILE      = rm -f
-CHK_DIR_EXISTS= test -d
-MKDIR         = mkdir -p
-COPY          = cp -f
-COPY_FILE     = $(COPY)
-COPY_DIR      = $(COPY) -r
-INSTALL_FILE  = install -m 644 -p
-INSTALL_PROGRAM = install -m 755 -p
-DEL_FILE      = rm -f
-SYMLINK       = ln -f -s
-DEL_DIR       = rmdir
-MOVE          = mv -f
-CHK_DIR_EXISTS= test -d
-MKDIR         = mkdir -p
-		debug \
-		release
-debug: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug
-debug-make_default: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug 
-debug-make_first: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug first
-debug-all: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug all
-debug-clean: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug clean
-debug-distclean: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug distclean
-debug-install: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug install
-debug-uninstall: $(MAKEFILE).Debug FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug uninstall
-release: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release
-release-make_default: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release 
-release-make_first: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release first
-release-all: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release all
-release-clean: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release clean
-release-distclean: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release distclean
-release-install: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release install
-release-uninstall: $(MAKEFILE).Release FORCE
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release uninstall
-Makefile: baires.pro  /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/common/g++.conf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/common/unix.conf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/common/linux.conf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/qconfig.pri \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/qt_functions.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/qt_config.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/exclusive_builds.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/default_pre.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/debug.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/debug_and_release.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/default_post.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/warn_on.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/qt.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/unix/thread.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/moc.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/resources.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/uic.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/yacc.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/lex.prf \
-		/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/include_source_dir.prf \
-		/usr/lib/libQtGui.prl \
-		/usr/lib/libQtCore.prl
-	$(QMAKE) -spec /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -unix CONFIG+=debug_and_release CONFIG+=debug -o Makefile baires.pro
-qmake: qmake_all FORCE
-	@$(QMAKE) -spec /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++ -unix CONFIG+=debug_and_release CONFIG+=debug -o Makefile baires.pro
-qmake_all: FORCE
-make_default: debug-make_default release-make_default FORCE
-make_first: debug-make_first release-make_first FORCE
-all: debug-all release-all FORCE
-clean: debug-clean release-clean FORCE
-distclean: debug-distclean release-distclean FORCE
-	-$(DEL_FILE) Makefile
-debug-mocclean: $(MAKEFILE).Debug
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug mocclean
-release-mocclean: $(MAKEFILE).Release
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release mocclean
-mocclean: debug-mocclean release-mocclean
-debug-mocables: $(MAKEFILE).Debug
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Debug mocables
-release-mocables: $(MAKEFILE).Release
-	$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE).Release mocables
-mocables: debug-mocables release-mocables
-$(MAKEFILE).Debug: Makefile
-$(MAKEFILE).Release: Makefile
diff -Naur baires/baires.pro baires.patched/baires.pro
--- baires/baires.pro	2009-12-15 12:32:18.000000000 -0500
+++ baires.patched/baires.pro	2021-12-17 14:47:07.432366128 -0500
@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
 FORMS += mainwindow.ui \
+QT += widgets
diff -Naur baires/config.h baires.patched/config.h
--- baires/config.h	2009-12-17 15:34:52.000000000 -0500
+++ baires.patched/config.h	2021-12-17 14:40:03.805404637 -0500
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef CONFIG_H
 #define CONFIG_H
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
+#include <QtWidgets/QDialog>
 namespace Ui {
     class config;
diff -Naur baires/config.ui baires.patched/config.ui
--- baires/config.ui	2010-01-11 05:26:28.000000000 -0500
+++ baires.patched/config.ui	2021-12-17 15:50:00.836023111 -0500
@@ -154,11 +154,6 @@
-   <item>
-    <property name="text">
-     <string>Ruski</string>
-    </property>
-   </item>
   <widget class="QListWidget" name="listSize">
    <property name="geometry">
diff -Naur baires/main.cpp baires.patched/main.cpp
--- baires/main.cpp	2009-12-02 05:30:24.000000000 -0500
+++ baires.patched/main.cpp	2021-12-17 14:40:03.805404637 -0500
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
 #include "mainwindow.h"
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
diff -Naur baires/mainwindow.cpp baires.patched/mainwindow.cpp
--- baires/mainwindow.cpp	2010-04-22 12:17:58.000000000 -0400
+++ baires.patched/mainwindow.cpp	2021-12-17 14:41:17.495397939 -0500
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 #include "mainwindow.h"
 #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
-#include <QFileDialog>
-#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QtWidgets/QFileDialog>
+#include <QtWidgets/QMessageBox>
 #include <QSettings>
 #include <QDesktopServices>
 #include <QUrl>
diff -Naur baires/mainwindow.h baires.patched/mainwindow.h
--- baires/mainwindow.h	2010-04-22 12:18:00.000000000 -0400
+++ baires.patched/mainwindow.h	2021-12-17 14:40:03.806404637 -0500
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
+#include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
 namespace Ui
diff -Naur baires/translation.cpp baires.patched/translation.cpp
--- baires/translation.cpp	2010-04-22 14:03:22.000000000 -0400
+++ baires.patched/translation.cpp	2021-12-17 15:48:54.267029162 -0500
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
     // TODO Missing other traslations
     if (val == 10036) {result = "Downsize only";};
     if (val == 20036) {result = "Samo smanjivanje";};
-    if (val == 30036) {result = "Somente deminuição";};
-    if (val == 70036) {result = "Réduction seule";};
+    if (val == 30036) {result = "Somente deminuição";};
+    if (val == 70036) {result = "Réduction seule";};
     if (val == 50036) {result = "Solo riduzione";};
     if (val == 10037) {result = "Force aspect ratio (width as base)";};
     if (val == 20037) {result = QString("Forsiraj aspekt (")+QChar(0x0160)+QString("irina je baza)");};
-    if (val == 30037) {result = "Forçar aspecto (largura como base)";};
+    if (val == 30037) {result = "Forçar aspecto (largura como base)";};
     if (val == 70037) {result = "Forcer le rapport d'aspect (largeur pour base)";};
     if (val == 50037) {result = "Forza l'aspect ratio (larghezza come base)";};
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     if (val == 20035) {result = "Dodaj u pre-definisane rezolucije";};
     if (val == 30035) {result = QString("Adicionar para resolu")+QChar(0x00E7)+QChar(0x00F5)+QString("es pre-definidas");};
-    if (val == 40035) {result = "Zu den frei gewählten Bildgrössen hinzufügen";};
+    if (val == 40035) {result = "Zu den frei gewählten Bildgrössen hinzufügen";};
     if (val == 20001) {result = "P&rogram";};
     if (val == 30001) {result = "&Arquivo";};
@@ -79,18 +79,18 @@
     if (val == 20005) {result = "O programu...";};
     if (val == 30005) {result = "Sobre...";};
-    if (val == 40005) {result = "Über baires...";};
+    if (val == 40005) {result = "Ãœber baires...";};
     if (val == 20006) {result = "Pregled";};
     if (val == 30006) {result = "Buscar";};
     if (val == 40006) {result = "Suche";};
     if (val == 20007) {result = "Direktorijum sa slikama";};
-    if (val == 30007) {result = "Diretório de imagens";};
+    if (val == 30007) {result = "Diretório de imagens";};
     if (val == 40007) {result = "Quell-Verzeichnis";};
     if (val == 20008) {result = "Direktorijum za smanjene slike";};
-    if (val == 30008) {result = "Diretório de destino";};
+    if (val == 30008) {result = "Diretório de destino";};
     if (val == 40008) {result = "Ziel-Verzeichnis";};
     if (val == 20009) {result = "Smanji na";};
@@ -103,26 +103,26 @@
     if (val == 20011) {result = "Visina";};
     if (val == 30011) {result = "Altura";};
-    if (val == 40011) {result = "Höhe";};
+    if (val == 40011) {result = "Höhe";};
     if (val == 20012) {result = "Prefiks";};
     if (val == 30012) {result = "Prefixo";};
-    if (val == 40012) {result = "Datei Präfix";};
+    if (val == 40012) {result = "Datei Präfix";};
     if (val == 20013) {result = "Kvalitet";};
     if (val == 30013) {result = "Qualidade";};
-    if (val == 40013) {result = "Qualität";};
+    if (val == 40013) {result = "Qualität";};
     if (val == 20014) {result = "Kreni";};
     if (val == 30014) {result = "Iniciar";};
     if (val == 40014) {result = "Start";};
     if (val == 20015) {result = "Program za jednostavno smanjivanje slika";};
-    if (val == 30015) {result = "Programa fácil para redimensiamento de imagens";};
-    if (val == 40015) {result = "Programm zum mühelosen Verkleinern von Bildern";};
+    if (val == 30015) {result = "Programa fácil para redimensiamento de imagens";};
+    if (val == 40015) {result = "Programm zum mühelosen Verkleinern von Bildern";};
     if (val == 20016) {result = "Verzija: ";};
-    if (val == 30016) {result = "Versão: ";};
+    if (val == 30016) {result = "Versão: ";};
     if (val == 40016) {result = "Version: ";};
     if (val == 20017) {result = "Autor: ";};
@@ -134,35 +134,35 @@
     if (val == 40018) {result = "Kontakt: ";};
     if (val == 20019) {result = "Licenca: ";};
-    if (val == 30019) {result = "Licença: ";};
+    if (val == 30019) {result = "Licença: ";};
     if (val == 40019) {result = "Lizenz: ";};
     if (val == 20020) {result = "Direktorijum sa slikama je prazan ili ne postoji";};
-    if (val == 30020) {result = "Diretório de imagens está vazio ou não existe";};
+    if (val == 30020) {result = "Diretório de imagens está vazio ou não existe";};
     if (val == 40020) {result = "Das Quell-Verzeichnis ist leer oder existiert nicht";};
     if (val == 20021) {result = "Molimo Vas da odaberete validan direktorijum";};
-    if (val == 30021) {result = "Por favor, escolhe diretório válido";};
-    if (val == 40021) {result = "Bitte wählen Sie ein gültiges Verzeichnis";};
+    if (val == 30021) {result = "Por favor, escolhe diretório válido";};
+    if (val == 40021) {result = "Bitte wählen Sie ein gültiges Verzeichnis";};
     if (val == 20022) {result = "Direktorijum za smanjene slike je prazan ili ne postoji";};
-    if (val == 30022) {result = "Diretório de destino está vazio ou não existe";};
+    if (val == 30022) {result = "Diretório de destino está vazio ou não existe";};
     if (val == 40022) {result = "Das Ziel-Verzeichnis ist leer oder existiert nicht";};
     if (val == 20023) {result = "Prefiks nije odabran";};
-    if (val == 30023) {result = "Prefixo está vazio";};
-    if (val == 40023) {result = "Es fehlt das Präfix für verkleinerte Bilder";};
+    if (val == 30023) {result = "Prefixo está vazio";};
+    if (val == 40023) {result = "Es fehlt das Präfix für verkleinerte Bilder";};
     if (val == 20024) {result = "Kada su oba direktorijuma ista, prefiks je obavezan";};
-    if (val == 30024) {result = "Quando os diretórios são iguais, prefixo é obrigatório";};
-    if (val == 40024) {result = "Wenn das Quell- und Zielverzeichnis identisch sind, muss ein Datei Präfix angegeben werden";};
+    if (val == 30024) {result = "Quando os diretórios são iguais, prefixo é obrigatório";};
+    if (val == 40024) {result = "Wenn das Quell- und Zielverzeichnis identisch sind, muss ein Datei Präfix angegeben werden";};
     if (val == 20025) {result = "Odaberi direktorijum";};
-    if (val == 30025) {result = "Escolhe o diretório";};
-    if (val == 40025) {result = "Wähle das Verzeichnis";};
+    if (val == 30025) {result = "Escolhe o diretório";};
+    if (val == 40025) {result = "Wähle das Verzeichnis";};
     if (val == 20026) {result = "Konfiguracija";};
-    if (val == 30026) {result = "Configuração";};
+    if (val == 30026) {result = "Configuração";};
     if (val == 40026) {result = "&Einstellungen";};
     if (val == 20027) {result = "Jezik";};
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
     if (val == 20029) {result = QString("Korisni")+QChar(0x010D)+QString("ke veli")+QChar(0x010D)+QString("ne");};
     if (val == 30029) {result = "Tamanhos customizados";};
-    if (val == 40029) {result = "Frei gewählte Grösse";};
+    if (val == 40029) {result = "Frei gewählte Grösse";};
     if (val == 20030) {result = "Ukloni";};
     if (val == 30030) {result = "Exclui";};
-    if (val == 40030) {result = "Löschen";};
+    if (val == 40030) {result = "Löschen";};
     if (val == 20031) {result = "Odustani";};
     if (val == 30031) {result = "Cancelar";};
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
     if (val == 40032) {result = "Vorgang Bilder verkleinern";};
     if (val == 20033) {result = "Otkazan od strane korisnika";};
-    if (val == 30033) {result = "Cancelado por usuário";};
+    if (val == 30033) {result = "Cancelado por usuário";};
     if (val == 40033) {result = "Durch den Benutzer beendet";};
     if (val == 20034) {result = "Prekini";};
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
     if (val == 50010) {result = "Larghezza";};
     if (val == 50011) {result = "Altezza";};
     if (val == 50012) {result = "Prefisso";};
-    if (val == 50013) {result = "Qualità";};
+    if (val == 50013) {result = "Qualità";};
     if (val == 50014) {result = "Avvia";};
     if (val == 50015) {result = "Programma per ridimensionare facilmente gruppi di immagini";};
     if (val == 50016) {result = "Versione: ";};
@@ -218,9 +218,9 @@
     if (val == 50019) {result = "Licenza: ";};
     if (val == 50020) {result = "Cartella sorgente inesistente o vuota";};
     if (val == 50021) {result = "Per favore, seleziona una cartella valida";};
-    if (val == 50022) {result = "La destinazione è vuota o inesistente";};
+    if (val == 50022) {result = "La destinazione è vuota o inesistente";};
     if (val == 50023) {result = "Nessun prefisso inserito per le immagini ridimensionate";};
-    if (val == 50024) {result = "Quando la cartella sorgente e di destinazione coincidono, è necessario un prefisso";};
+    if (val == 50024) {result = "Quando la cartella sorgente e di destinazione coincidono, è necessario un prefisso";};
     if (val == 50025) {result = "Seleziona una cartella";};
     if (val == 50026) {result = "Impostazioni";};
     if (val == 50027) {result = "Lingua";};
@@ -233,77 +233,77 @@
     if (val == 50034) {result = "Annulla";};
     if (val == 50035) {result = "Aggiungi alle risoluzioni predefinite";};
-    if (val == 60001) {result = "&Fájl";};
-    if (val == 60002) {result = "&Súgó";};
-    if (val == 60003) {result = "&Kilépés";};
-    if (val == 60004) {result = "Online segítség...";};
-    if (val == 60005) {result = "&Névjegy...";};
-    if (val == 60006) {result = "Böngészés";};
-    if (val == 60007) {result = "Forrás könyvtár";};
-    if (val == 60008) {result = "Cél könyvtár";};
-    if (val == 60009) {result = "Átméretezés erre";};
-    if (val == 60010) {result = "Szélesség";};
-    if (val == 60011) {result = "Magasság";};
-    if (val == 60012) {result = "Fájl elõtag";};
-    if (val == 60013) {result = "Minõség";};
-    if (val == 60014) {result = "Indítás";};
-    if (val == 60015) {result = "Képek tömeges átméretezésére szolgáló program.";};
-    if (val == 60016) {result = "Verzió: ";};
-    if (val == 60017) {result = "Készítette: ";};
-    if (val == 60018) {result = "Elérhetõség: ";};
+    if (val == 60001) {result = "&Fájl";};
+    if (val == 60002) {result = "&Súgó";};
+    if (val == 60003) {result = "&Kilépés";};
+    if (val == 60004) {result = "Online segítség...";};
+    if (val == 60005) {result = "&Névjegy...";};
+    if (val == 60006) {result = "Böngészés";};
+    if (val == 60007) {result = "Forrás könyvtár";};
+    if (val == 60008) {result = "Cél könyvtár";};
+    if (val == 60009) {result = "Átméretezés erre";};
+    if (val == 60010) {result = "Szélesség";};
+    if (val == 60011) {result = "Magasság";};
+    if (val == 60012) {result = "Fájl elõtag";};
+    if (val == 60013) {result = "Minõség";};
+    if (val == 60014) {result = "Indítás";};
+    if (val == 60015) {result = "Képek tömeges átméretezésére szolgáló program.";};
+    if (val == 60016) {result = "Verzió: ";};
+    if (val == 60017) {result = "Készítette: ";};
+    if (val == 60018) {result = "Elérhetõség: ";};
     if (val == 60019) {result = "Licenc: ";};
-    if (val == 60020) {result = "A forrás könyvtár üres vagy nem létezik";};
-    if (val == 60021) {result = "Válasszon érvényes könyvtárat";};
-    if (val == 60022) {result = "A cél könyvtár üres vagy nem létezik";};
-    if (val == 60023) {result = "Nem lett az elõtag kitöltve";};
-    if (val == 60024) {result = "Ha a forrás és a cél könyvtár megegyezik, az elõtagot ki kell tölteni";};
-    if (val == 60025) {result = "Válasszon könyvtárat";};
-    if (val == 60026) {result = "Beállítások";};
+    if (val == 60020) {result = "A forrás könyvtár üres vagy nem létezik";};
+    if (val == 60021) {result = "Válasszon érvényes könyvtárat";};
+    if (val == 60022) {result = "A cél könyvtár üres vagy nem létezik";};
+    if (val == 60023) {result = "Nem lett az elõtag kitöltve";};
+    if (val == 60024) {result = "Ha a forrás és a cél könyvtár megegyezik, az elõtagot ki kell tölteni";};
+    if (val == 60025) {result = "Válasszon könyvtárat";};
+    if (val == 60026) {result = "Beállítások";};
     if (val == 60027) {result = "Nyelv";};
-    if (val == 60028) {result = "Fájl típusok";};
-    if (val == 60029) {result = "Egyedi méretû elemek";};
-    if (val == 60030) {result = "Eltávolítás";};
-    if (val == 60031) {result = "Mégse";};
-    if (val == 60032) {result = "Átméretezés";};
-    if (val == 60033) {result = "Felhasználói megszakítás";};
-    if (val == 60034) {result = "Megszakítás";};
-    if (val == 60035) {result = "Hozzáadás az elõre definiált felbontásokhoz";};
+    if (val == 60028) {result = "Fájl típusok";};
+    if (val == 60029) {result = "Egyedi méretû elemek";};
+    if (val == 60030) {result = "Eltávolítás";};
+    if (val == 60031) {result = "Mégse";};
+    if (val == 60032) {result = "Átméretezés";};
+    if (val == 60033) {result = "Felhasználói megszakítás";};
+    if (val == 60034) {result = "Megszakítás";};
+    if (val == 60035) {result = "Hozzáadás az elõre definiált felbontásokhoz";};
     if (val == 70001) {result = "&Fichier";};
     if (val == 70002) {result = "&Aide";};
     if (val == 70003) {result = "&Quitter";};
     if (val == 70004) {result = "Aide en ligne...";};
-    if (val == 70005) {result = "À &propos...";};
+    if (val == 70005) {result = "À &propos...";};
     if (val == 70006) {result = "Choisir";};
-    if (val == 70007) {result = "Répertoire source";};
-    if (val == 70008) {result = "Répertoire destination";};
+    if (val == 70007) {result = "Répertoire source";};
+    if (val == 70008) {result = "Répertoire destination";};
     if (val == 70009) {result = "Nouvelles dimensions";};
     if (val == 70010) {result = "Largeur";};
     if (val == 70011) {result = "Hauteur";};
-    if (val == 70012) {result = "Préfixe de fichier";};
-    if (val == 70013) {result = "Qualité";};
+    if (val == 70012) {result = "Préfixe de fichier";};
+    if (val == 70013) {result = "Qualité";};
     if (val == 70014) {result = "Commencer";};
     if (val == 70015) {result = "Logiciel pour redimensionner facilement des images par lots";};
     if (val == 70016) {result = "Version : ";};
     if (val == 70017) {result = "Auteur : ";};
     if (val == 70018) {result = "Contact : ";};
     if (val == 70019) {result = "Licence : ";};
-    if (val == 70020) {result = "Le répertoire source est vide ou n'existe pas";};
-    if (val == 70021) {result = "Choisissez un répertoire valide";};
-    if (val == 70022) {result = "Le répertoire destination est vide ou n'existe pas";};
-    if (val == 70023) {result = "Le préfixe pour les images redimensionnées n'a pas été indiqué.";};
-    if (val == 70024) {result = "Un préfixe doit être spécifié quand les répertoires source et destination sont identiques.";};
-    if (val == 70025) {result = "Choisir un répertoire";};
-    if (val == 70026) {result = "Paramètres";};
+    if (val == 70020) {result = "Le répertoire source est vide ou n'existe pas";};
+    if (val == 70021) {result = "Choisissez un répertoire valide";};
+    if (val == 70022) {result = "Le répertoire destination est vide ou n'existe pas";};
+    if (val == 70023) {result = "Le préfixe pour les images redimensionnées n'a pas été indiqué.";};
+    if (val == 70024) {result = "Un préfixe doit être spécifié quand les répertoires source et destination sont identiques.";};
+    if (val == 70025) {result = "Choisir un répertoire";};
+    if (val == 70026) {result = "Paramètres";};
     if (val == 70027) {result = "Langue";};
     if (val == 70028) {result = "Types de fichier";};
-    if (val == 70029) {result = "Dimensions personnalisées";};
+    if (val == 70029) {result = "Dimensions personnalisées";};
     if (val == 70030) {result = "Supprimer";};
     if (val == 70031) {result = "Annuler";};
     if (val == 70032) {result = "Redimensionnement en cours";};
-    if (val == 70033) {result = "Abandonné par l'utilisateur";};
+    if (val == 70033) {result = "Abandonné par l'utilisateur";};
     if (val == 70034) {result = "Abandonner";};
-    if (val == 70035) {result = "Ajouter aux résolutions prédéfinies";};
+    if (val == 70035) {result = "Ajouter aux résolutions prédéfinies";};
     if (val == 80001) {result = "&????";};
     if (val == 80002) {result = "&???????";};
diff -Naur baires/ui_config.h baires.patched/ui_config.h
--- baires/ui_config.h	2010-01-11 05:26:29.000000000 -0500
+++ baires.patched/ui_config.h	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-** Form generated from reading ui file 'config.ui'
-** Created: Mon Jan 11 08:26:29 2010
-**      by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.5.0
-** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling ui file!
-#ifndef UI_CONFIG_H
-#define UI_CONFIG_H
-#include <QtCore/QVariant>
-#include <QtGui/QAction>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtGui/QButtonGroup>
-#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
-#include <QtGui/QComboBox>
-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
-#include <QtGui/QDialogButtonBox>
-#include <QtGui/QGroupBox>
-#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
-#include <QtGui/QLabel>
-#include <QtGui/QListWidget>
-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
-class Ui_config
-    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox;
-    QLabel *lblLanguage;
-    QGroupBox *groupBox;
-    QCheckBox *chkJpg;
-    QCheckBox *chkPng;
-    QCheckBox *chkBmp;
-    QCheckBox *chkTif;
-    QComboBox *cmbLanguage;
-    QListWidget *listSize;
-    QLabel *lblRemove;
-    QPushButton *btnRemove;
-    void setupUi(QDialog *config)
-    {
-        if (config->objectName().isEmpty())
-            config->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("config"));
-        config->resize(390, 280);
-        config->setModal(true);
-        buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(config);
-        buttonBox->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("buttonBox"));
-        buttonBox->setGeometry(QRect(30, 240, 341, 32));
-        buttonBox->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
-        buttonBox->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
-        lblLanguage = new QLabel(config);
-        lblLanguage->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblLanguage"));
-        lblLanguage->setGeometry(QRect(13, 15, 111, 16));
-        groupBox = new QGroupBox(config);
-        groupBox->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("groupBox"));
-        groupBox->setGeometry(QRect(193, 15, 191, 211));
-        chkJpg = new QCheckBox(groupBox);
-        chkJpg->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("chkJpg"));
-        chkJpg->setGeometry(QRect(20, 30, 82, 23));
-        chkPng = new QCheckBox(groupBox);
-        chkPng->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("chkPng"));
-        chkPng->setGeometry(QRect(20, 60, 82, 23));
-        chkBmp = new QCheckBox(groupBox);
-        chkBmp->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("chkBmp"));
-        chkBmp->setGeometry(QRect(20, 90, 82, 23));
-        chkTif = new QCheckBox(groupBox);
-        chkTif->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("chkTif"));
-        chkTif->setGeometry(QRect(20, 120, 82, 23));
-        cmbLanguage = new QComboBox(config);
-        cmbLanguage->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("cmbLanguage"));
-        cmbLanguage->setGeometry(QRect(10, 30, 141, 24));
-        listSize = new QListWidget(config);
-        listSize->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("listSize"));
-        listSize->setGeometry(QRect(10, 90, 141, 111));
-        lblRemove = new QLabel(config);
-        lblRemove->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblRemove"));
-        lblRemove->setGeometry(QRect(10, 70, 141, 16));
-        btnRemove = new QPushButton(config);
-        btnRemove->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("btnRemove"));
-        btnRemove->setGeometry(QRect(9, 203, 97, 24));
-        retranslateUi(config);
-        QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), config, SLOT(accept()));
-        QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), config, SLOT(reject()));
-        QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(config);
-    } // setupUi
-    void retranslateUi(QDialog *config)
-    {
-        config->setWindowTitle(QString());
-        lblLanguage->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "Language", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        groupBox->setTitle(QApplication::translate("config", "File types", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        chkJpg->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "JPEG", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        chkPng->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "PNG", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        chkBmp->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "BMP", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        chkTif->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "TIFF", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        cmbLanguage->clear();
-        cmbLanguage->insertItems(0, QStringList()
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "English", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Srpski", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Portugu\303\252s", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Deutsch", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Italiano", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Magyar", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Fran\303\247ais", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-         << QApplication::translate("config", "Ruski", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)
-        );
-        lblRemove->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "Remove size items", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        btnRemove->setText(QApplication::translate("config", "Remove", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        Q_UNUSED(config);
-    } // retranslateUi
-namespace Ui {
-    class config: public Ui_config {};
-} // namespace Ui
-#endif // UI_CONFIG_H
diff -Naur baires/ui_mainwindow.h baires.patched/ui_mainwindow.h
--- baires/ui_mainwindow.h	2010-04-22 12:14:03.000000000 -0400
+++ baires.patched/ui_mainwindow.h	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-** Form generated from reading UI file 'mainwindow.ui'
-** Created
-**      by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.6.2
-** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
-#include <QtCore/QVariant>
-#include <QtGui/QAction>
-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
-#include <QtGui/QButtonGroup>
-#include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
-#include <QtGui/QComboBox>
-#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
-#include <QtGui/QLabel>
-#include <QtGui/QLineEdit>
-#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
-#include <QtGui/QMenu>
-#include <QtGui/QMenuBar>
-#include <QtGui/QProgressBar>
-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
-#include <QtGui/QSlider>
-#include <QtGui/QSpinBox>
-#include <QtGui/QStatusBar>
-#include <QtGui/QToolBar>
-#include <QtGui/QWidget>
-class Ui_MainWindowClass
-    QAction *actionE_xit;
-    QAction *actionOnline_Help;
-    QAction *action_About;
-    QAction *actionSe_ttings;
-    QWidget *centralWidget;
-    QLabel *lblSource;
-    QWidget *horizontalLayoutWidget;
-    QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout;
-    QLineEdit *edtSource;
-    QPushButton *btnSource;
-    QWidget *horizontalLayoutWidget_2;
-    QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout_2;
-    QLineEdit *edtDest;
-    QPushButton *btnDest;
-    QLabel *lblDest;
-    QComboBox *cmbRes;
-    QWidget *horizontalLayoutWidget_3;
-    QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout_3;
-    QSpinBox *spnWidth;
-    QSpinBox *spnHeight;
-    QLabel *lblResizeto;
-    QLabel *lblHeight;
-    QLabel *lblPrefix;
-    QLineEdit *edtPrefix;
-    QPushButton *btnStart;
-    QProgressBar *progressBar;
-    QSlider *hSlider;
-    QLabel *lblQuality;
-    QLabel *lblWidth;
-    QPushButton *btnAdd;
-    QPushButton *btnAbort;
-    QCheckBox *chkDownsize;
-    QCheckBox *chkFoceAspect;
-    QMenuBar *menuBar;
-    QMenu *menu_File;
-    QMenu *menu_Help;
-    QToolBar *mainToolBar;
-    QStatusBar *statusBar;
-    void setupUi(QMainWindow *MainWindowClass)
-    {
-        if (MainWindowClass->objectName().isEmpty())
-            MainWindowClass->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("MainWindowClass"));
-        MainWindowClass->resize(489, 310);
-        MainWindowClass->setMinimumSize(QSize(489, 276));
-        MainWindowClass->setMaximumSize(QSize(489, 400));
-        actionE_xit = new QAction(MainWindowClass);
-        actionE_xit->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("actionE_xit"));
-        actionOnline_Help = new QAction(MainWindowClass);
-        actionOnline_Help->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("actionOnline_Help"));
-        action_About = new QAction(MainWindowClass);
-        action_About->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("action_About"));
-        actionSe_ttings = new QAction(MainWindowClass);
-        actionSe_ttings->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("actionSe_ttings"));
-        centralWidget = new QWidget(MainWindowClass);
-        centralWidget->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("centralWidget"));
-        lblSource = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblSource->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblSource"));
-        lblSource->setGeometry(QRect(10, 0, 271, 16));
-        horizontalLayoutWidget = new QWidget(centralWidget);
-        horizontalLayoutWidget->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayoutWidget"));
-        horizontalLayoutWidget->setGeometry(QRect(7, 13, 471, 31));
-        horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(horizontalLayoutWidget);
-        horizontalLayout->setSpacing(6);
-        horizontalLayout->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11);
-        horizontalLayout->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayout"));
-        horizontalLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-        edtSource = new QLineEdit(horizontalLayoutWidget);
-        edtSource->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("edtSource"));
-        horizontalLayout->addWidget(edtSource);
-        btnSource = new QPushButton(horizontalLayoutWidget);
-        btnSource->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("btnSource"));
-        horizontalLayout->addWidget(btnSource);
-        horizontalLayoutWidget_2 = new QWidget(centralWidget);
-        horizontalLayoutWidget_2->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayoutWidget_2"));
-        horizontalLayoutWidget_2->setGeometry(QRect(6, 62, 471, 31));
-        horizontalLayout_2 = new QHBoxLayout(horizontalLayoutWidget_2);
-        horizontalLayout_2->setSpacing(6);
-        horizontalLayout_2->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11);
-        horizontalLayout_2->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayout_2"));
-        horizontalLayout_2->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-        edtDest = new QLineEdit(horizontalLayoutWidget_2);
-        edtDest->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("edtDest"));
-        horizontalLayout_2->addWidget(edtDest);
-        btnDest = new QPushButton(horizontalLayoutWidget_2);
-        btnDest->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("btnDest"));
-        horizontalLayout_2->addWidget(btnDest);
-        lblDest = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblDest->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblDest"));
-        lblDest->setGeometry(QRect(10, 50, 291, 16));
-        cmbRes = new QComboBox(centralWidget);
-        cmbRes->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("cmbRes"));
-        cmbRes->setGeometry(QRect(8, 114, 151, 24));
-        horizontalLayoutWidget_3 = new QWidget(centralWidget);
-        horizontalLayoutWidget_3->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayoutWidget_3"));
-        horizontalLayoutWidget_3->setGeometry(QRect(169, 111, 221, 31));
-        horizontalLayout_3 = new QHBoxLayout(horizontalLayoutWidget_3);
-        horizontalLayout_3->setSpacing(6);
-        horizontalLayout_3->setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11);
-        horizontalLayout_3->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayout_3"));
-        horizontalLayout_3->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-        spnWidth = new QSpinBox(horizontalLayoutWidget_3);
-        spnWidth->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("spnWidth"));
-        spnWidth->setEnabled(false);
-        spnWidth->setMinimum(16);
-        spnWidth->setMaximum(50000);
-        spnWidth->setValue(1024);
-        horizontalLayout_3->addWidget(spnWidth);
-        spnHeight = new QSpinBox(horizontalLayoutWidget_3);
-        spnHeight->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("spnHeight"));
-        spnHeight->setEnabled(false);
-        spnHeight->setMinimum(16);
-        spnHeight->setMaximum(50000);
-        spnHeight->setValue(768);
-        horizontalLayout_3->addWidget(spnHeight);
-        lblResizeto = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblResizeto->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblResizeto"));
-        lblResizeto->setGeometry(QRect(10, 100, 141, 16));
-        lblHeight = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblHeight->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblHeight"));
-        lblHeight->setEnabled(false);
-        lblHeight->setGeometry(QRect(287, 100, 102, 15));
-        lblPrefix = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblPrefix->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblPrefix"));
-        lblPrefix->setGeometry(QRect(12, 192, 101, 16));
-        edtPrefix = new QLineEdit(centralWidget);
-        edtPrefix->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("edtPrefix"));
-        edtPrefix->setGeometry(QRect(8, 204, 113, 25));
-        btnStart = new QPushButton(centralWidget);
-        btnStart->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("btnStart"));
-        btnStart->setGeometry(QRect(386, 202, 96, 24));
-        progressBar = new QProgressBar(centralWidget);
-        progressBar->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("progressBar"));
-        progressBar->setGeometry(QRect(10, 232, 470, 23));
-        progressBar->setValue(0);
-        hSlider = new QSlider(centralWidget);
-        hSlider->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("hSlider"));
-        hSlider->setGeometry(QRect(130, 203, 160, 23));
-        hSlider->setMinimum(10);
-        hSlider->setMaximum(100);
-        hSlider->setPageStep(1);
-        hSlider->setValue(75);
-        hSlider->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
-        lblQuality = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblQuality->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblQuality"));
-        lblQuality->setGeometry(QRect(130, 192, 111, 16));
-        lblWidth = new QLabel(centralWidget);
-        lblWidth->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("lblWidth"));
-        lblWidth->setEnabled(false);
-        lblWidth->setGeometry(QRect(174, 102, 102, 15));
-        btnAdd = new QPushButton(centralWidget);
-        btnAdd->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("btnAdd"));
-        btnAdd->setGeometry(QRect(394, 111, 41, 31));
-        QIcon icon;
-        icon.addFile(QString::fromUtf8("../../../../../../usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/vcs_add.png"), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
-        btnAdd->setIcon(icon);
-        btnAbort = new QPushButton(centralWidget);
-        btnAbort->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("btnAbort"));
-        btnAbort->setEnabled(false);
-        btnAbort->setGeometry(QRect(305, 202, 81, 24));
-        chkDownsize = new QCheckBox(centralWidget);
-        chkDownsize->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("chkDownsize"));
-        chkDownsize->setGeometry(QRect(10, 150, 151, 23));
-        chkFoceAspect = new QCheckBox(centralWidget);
-        chkFoceAspect->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("chkFoceAspect"));
-        chkFoceAspect->setEnabled(false);
-        chkFoceAspect->setGeometry(QRect(170, 150, 261, 23));
-        MainWindowClass->setCentralWidget(centralWidget);
-        menuBar = new QMenuBar(MainWindowClass);
-        menuBar->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("menuBar"));
-        menuBar->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 489, 21));
-        menu_File = new QMenu(menuBar);
-        menu_File->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("menu_File"));
-        menu_Help = new QMenu(menuBar);
-        menu_Help->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("menu_Help"));
-        MainWindowClass->setMenuBar(menuBar);
-        mainToolBar = new QToolBar(MainWindowClass);
-        mainToolBar->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("mainToolBar"));
-        MainWindowClass->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, mainToolBar);
-        statusBar = new QStatusBar(MainWindowClass);
-        statusBar->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("statusBar"));
-        MainWindowClass->setStatusBar(statusBar);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(edtSource, btnSource);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(btnSource, edtDest);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(edtDest, btnDest);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(btnDest, cmbRes);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(cmbRes, spnWidth);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(spnWidth, spnHeight);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(spnHeight, edtPrefix);
-        QWidget::setTabOrder(edtPrefix, btnStart);
-        menuBar->addAction(menu_File->menuAction());
-        menuBar->addAction(menu_Help->menuAction());
-        menu_File->addSeparator();
-        menu_File->addAction(actionSe_ttings);
-        menu_File->addSeparator();
-        menu_File->addAction(actionE_xit);
-        menu_Help->addAction(actionOnline_Help);
-        menu_Help->addSeparator();
-        menu_Help->addAction(action_About);
-        retranslateUi(MainWindowClass);
-        QObject::connect(edtSource, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), edtDest, SLOT(setFocus()));
-        QObject::connect(edtDest, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), edtPrefix, SLOT(setFocus()));
-        QObject::connect(edtPrefix, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), btnStart, SLOT(setFocus()));
-        QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(MainWindowClass);
-    } // setupUi
-    void retranslateUi(QMainWindow *MainWindowClass)
-    {
-        MainWindowClass->setWindowTitle(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Baires - Batch image resizer", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        actionE_xit->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "E&xit", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        actionOnline_Help->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Online Help", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        actionOnline_Help->setShortcut(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "F1", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        action_About->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "&About", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        actionSe_ttings->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Se&ttings", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblSource->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Source directory", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        btnSource->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Browse", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        btnDest->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Browse", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblDest->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Destination directory", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblResizeto->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Resize to", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblHeight->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Height", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblPrefix->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "File prefix", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        edtPrefix->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "rz_", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        btnStart->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Start", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblQuality->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Quality", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        lblWidth->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Width", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        btnAdd->setText(QString());
-        btnAbort->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Abort", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        chkDownsize->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Downsize only", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        chkFoceAspect->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "Force aspect ratio (width as base)", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        menu_File->setTitle(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "&File", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-        menu_Help->setTitle(QApplication::translate("MainWindowClass", "&Help", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
-    } // retranslateUi
-namespace Ui {
-    class MainWindowClass: public Ui_MainWindowClass {};
-} // namespace Ui
-#endif // UI_MAINWINDOW_H