PACKAGE NAME: davfs2-1.6.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/system PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 142 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 568 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: aaa_libraries|gcc,aaa_libraries|gcc-g++,aaa_libraries|keyutils,aaa_libraries|krb5,e2fsprogs,expat,libproxy,neon,openssl|openssl-solibs,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: davfs2: davfs2 (virtual filesystem driver for WebDAV) davfs2: davfs2: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), an extension to the davfs2: HTTP-protocol, allows authoring of resources on a remote web server. davfs2: davfs2 provides the ability to access such resources like a typical davfs2: filesystem, allowing for use by standard applications with no built-in davfs2: support for WebDAV. davfs2: davfs2: Homepage: davfs2: davfs2: