PACKAGE NAME: biblesync-1.1.2-i486-1salix.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/academic PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 40 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 160 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: gcc,gcc-g++,util-linux PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: biblesync: biblesync (a bible software shared navigation protocol library) biblesync: biblesync: BibleSync is a shared navigation protocol using LAN multicast. biblesync: It is useful for a single person when running Bible programs on biblesync: multiple machines or devices, all of which you wish to navigate biblesync: through the Bible together, or for a group working closely together, biblesync: such as translators. Also, it has a "lecture" mode, where a speaker's biblesync: Bible program induces the audience's programs to follow along. biblesync: biblesync: Homepage: biblesync: