.TH UFORADIANT 6 "October 2021" "ufoai-2.5" "SlackBuilds.org" .SH NAME uforadiant \- UFO: Alien Invasion Mapeditor .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBuforadiant\fR .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page documents briefly the .B uforadiant command. .PP \fBuforadiant\fP is the map editor for the strategy game UFO: Alien Invasion. .SH OPTIONS .PP Options are passed to the gtk init function. .SH "FILES" .TP \fB~/.ufoai/radiant/settings.xml\fR Editor configuration\&. .TP \fB~/.ufoai/radiant/shortcuts.ini\fR Key bindings\&. .TP \fBbase/ufos/entities.ufo\fR This file is included in the 0ufos.pk3 in your system wide UFO:AI installation directory and defines the entities the editor can add to maps\&. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBufo\fR(6) .SH AUTHOR \fBuforadiant\fP was written by the UFO: Alien Invasion team and based on the GPLed release of GtkRadiant 1.5 by id Software. .PP This manual page was written by Florian Ludwig <dino@phidev.org>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). It was modified slightly by B. Watson <urchlay@slackware.uk> for the SlackBuilds.org project. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBufo\fR(6) \fBufoded\fR(6) \fBufo2map\fR(6) \fBufomodel\fR(6) \fBufoslicer\fR(6)