st (simple terminal)

st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less.

Most st configuration done by editing config.h, which gets baked into
the st executable. To make this easier, the SlackBuild will look for
"config.h" in its directory, and copy it into the source directory if
found. To get the default config.h from the source, do something like

tar xfO st-0.8.4.tar.gz --wildcards '*/config.def.h' > config.h

...then edit it to your heart's content and copy it into the
SlackBuild directory. When the package is built, your config.h will be
used, and also included in /usr/doc/st-$VERSION for reference.

Also, a lot of extra functionality for st is provided as patches, from
"". To use these, download them and
place them in the patches/ directory in the SlackBuild's dir. Note
that not all provided patches will apply, since some are for old
versions of st and some are for post-release git. If you use patches,
the file /usr/doc/st-$VERSION/patches.txt will contain a list of them,
for reference.

Note that this SlackBuild already includes a .desktop file and icon
for st, so you don't need the st-desktopentry patch.