PACKAGE NAME: wmphoto+-1.1.1-i486-1salix.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/desktop PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 30 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 120 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: libX11,libXau,libXdmcp,libXext,libXpm,libxcb PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: wmphoto+: wmphoto+ (image viewing dockapp for windowmaker) wmphoto+: wmphoto+: wmphoto+ displays the images in the dockable application window. wmphoto+: You can switch the images manually or display them as a slide show. wmphoto+: Each image accepts up to two related commands. You can run them wmphoto+: using mouse buttons when the application displays the image. Using wmphoto+: the alternative configuration directories you can run a few instances wmphoto+: of the program which display the different sets of the images. wmphoto+: wmphoto+: homepage: wmphoto+: