wmSunMoon: wmSunMoon (Window Maker Sun, Moon, and time dockable application)
wmSunMoon: wmSunMoon displays Sun and Moon rise and set times as well as
wmSunMoon: the Moon phase.  Around sunrise and sunset it emulates the civil
wmSunMoon: twilight and golden hour effects.  It can also display the current
wmSunMoon: time, the offset for the civil twilight and golden hour, and the
wmSunMoon: percentage of the lunar cycle.  Unlike the other dockable
wmSunMoon: applications it offers also a text mode displaying a lot of data on
wmSunMoon: the console.
wmSunMoon: Enter the valid latitude and longitude in order to display the valid
wmSunMoon: data.  If necessary enter the local and distant time zones names.