EAGLE is an easy to use, yet powerful tool for designing printed
circuit boards (PCBs). The name EAGLE is an acronym, which stands for
Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor. The program consists of
three main modules (Layout Editor, Schematic Editor and Autorouter),
which are embedded in a single user interface.

If EAGLE prompts for a license key the first time it is run, you can
select EAGLE Express option to run EAGLE as a free version or purchase
a license to unlock advanced features.

After the key is accepted, you may wish to change the permission
of /opt/eagle-VERSION/bin/eagle.key so that it is no longer

  # chmod 0644 /opt/eagle-<version>/bin/eagle.key

This script installs the English documentation by default. Starting
from version 5.10.0, German and (some) Chinese documentation is
included as well.  To select them, run this script as:

  # DOC_LANG=<xx> ./eagle.SlackBuild

where <xx> = "de" for German, "zh" for Chinese, or "all".