PACKAGE NAME: torrent-search- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/xap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 499 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1996 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: dbus-python,libxml2,pygobject,pygtk,python,httplib2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: torrent-search: torrent-search (a torrent searching application) torrent-search: torrent-search: Torrent Search is a torrent searching application developed in Python, torrent-search: using GTK+ for its graphical interface. Torrent Search looks for torrent-search: torrent files on different websites, and allows the user to filter the torrent-search: results, making it very easy to find the torrent you want. torrent-search: The websites are integrated using plugins, allowing to add new torrent-search: websites or improve the existing plugins very quickly. torrent-search: torrent-search: torrent-search: