LuaDBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholders and bind parameters for all database operations. Currently LuaDBI supports DB2, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases with native database drivers. Optitional requirements: databases (at least one from mysql, psql, sqlite3, db2, oracle) You can pass to slackbuild list of databases you want LuaDBI to work with (e.g. DBs="psql sqline3 oracle" or DBs="free db2"). free - builds MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 drivers all - as above, but also builds DB2 and Oracle drivers mysql psql sqlite3 db2 oracle By default, mysql and sqlite3 support are built. Optional dependency: lua51. If lua51 is installed at build time, this package will contain a module for Lua 5.1.