.\" -*- nroff -*-
.ds g \" empty
.ds G \" empty
.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent.
.de Tp
.ie \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
.el .TP "\\$1"
.TH PKGTOOL 8 "24 Nov 1995" "Slackware Version 3.1.0"
pkgtool \- software package maintenance tool.
.B pkgtool
.B pkgtool
.B --sets #a#b#c#
.B --source_mounted
.B --ignore_tagfiles
.B --tagfile tagfile
.B --source_dir directory
.B --target_dir directory
.B --source_device device
.B pkgtool
is a menu-driven package maintenance tool provided with the Slackware Linux 
distribution.  It allows the user to install, remove, or view
software packages through an interactive
system.  Pkgtool can also be used to re-run the menu-driven scripts normally
executed at the end of a Slackware installation.  This is useful for doing
basic reconfiguration (like changing the mouse type).
Most users will not want to use any options when running
.B pkgtool.
These are generally used only when
.B pkgtool
is run during the initial system installation.
Feel free to try them, but be careful.
.B \--sets #A#B#C#
Install the disk sets A, B, C. Seperate the disk set names by '#' symbols.
.B \--source_mounted
When this flag is present, 
.B pkgtool
will not attempt to unmount and remount the source device with each disk.
.B \--ignore_tagfiles
When this flag is present, 
.B pkgtool
will install every package encountered no matter what the tagfiles say.
.B \--tagfile tagfile
This flag is used to specify from the command line which tagfile should be
used for the installation.
.B \--source_dir directory
Used when installing multiple packages from disk sets. This is the directory
in which the subdirectories for each disk are found. This isn't used when
installing from floppy.
.B \--target_dir directory
The directory where the target root directory is located. This is '/' when 
installing on the hard drive, or typically '/mnt' when installing from an
install disk.
.B \--source_device device
The source device to install from. This is not used if you've provided the
.B \--source_mounted
flag. It's usually used when installing from floppy, as in:
 \--source_device /dev/fd0u1440
 \--source_device /dev/fd1h1200.
Patrick J. Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>
.BR makepkg(8),
.BR explodepkg(8),
.BR installpkg(8),
.BR removepkg(8),
.BR upgradepkg(8)