.\" -*- nroff -*- .ds g \" empty .ds G \" empty .\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half .\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. .de Tp .ie \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP .el .TP "\\$1" .. .TH INSTALLPKG 8 "22 Nov 2001" "Slackware Version 8.1.0" .SH NAME installpkg \- install Slackware packages. .SH SYNOPSIS .B installpkg [ .B \--warn ] [ .B \--md5sum ] [ .B \--root /otherroot ] [ .B \--infobox ] [ .B \--menu ] [ .B \--terse ] [ .B \--ask ] [ .B \--priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP ] [ .B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile ] .BI packagename [ .B packagename2 ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B installpkg installs single or multiple *.tgz (or .tbz, .tlz, .txz) binary packages designed for use with the Slackware Linux distribution onto your system. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \--warn packagename Generate a list of files that would be overwritten to the standard output, but do not actually install the package. The list is formatted in a suitable fashion to use as a list of files to backup. .TP .B \--md5sum packagename Record the package md5sum in the metadata written in /var/log/packages. .TP .B \--root /otherroot Install using a location other than / (the default) as the root of the filesystem to install on. In the example given, use /otherroot instead. Setting the ROOT environment variable does the same thing. .TP .B \--infobox Use /bin/dialog to display an informational dialog as the package is installed. Primarily used when installpkg is called from other scripts. .TP .B \--menu Use /bin/dialog to display a menu asking the user if they would like to install the package(s) or not. Generally used when installpkg is called from other scripts. .TP .B \--terse Install the package displaying only a single description line to stdout. .TP .B \--ask Used with -menu mode. When selected, always ask if a package should be installed regardless of what the package's priority is. .TP .B \--priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP When installing with the \-menu option, package priority levels (found in the file "tagfile" in the package directory) are used to automatically install (ADD) or skip (SKP) a package, or to suggest recommended (REC) or optional (OPT) to the user if a menu is displayed. If a priority is set on the command line, it will override the values set in the tagfile for the entire package list. .TP .B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile Specify a different file to use for package priorities (in this example, /somedir/tagfile will be used). The default is "tagfile" in the package's directory. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B Install a font package for X: .P installpkg font-bh-ttf-1.0.3-noarch-1.txz .P Note that if a package is already installed, upgradepkg(8) should be used instead. .TP .B Create a backup of the files that would be overwritten if the package is installed: .P .nf tar czvf /tmp/backup.tar.gz \\ $(installpkg --warn font-bh-ttf-1.0.3-noarch-1.txz) .fi .SH AUTHOR Patrick J. Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com> .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR makepkg(8), .BR removepkg(8), .BR explodepkg(8), .BR pkgtool(8), .BR upgradepkg(8)