#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 1995 Hrvoje Dogan, Croatia. # Copyright 2002-2004, 2008, 2009, 2010 Stuart Winter, Surrey, England, UK. # Copyright 2004, 2008-2010 Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, CA, USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # ########################################################################## # Program: /usr/sbin/adduser # Purpose: Interactive front end to /usr/sbin/useradd for Slackware Linux # Author : Stuart Winter <mozes@slackware.com> # Based on the original Slackware adduser by Hrvoje Dogan # with modifications by Patrick Volkerding # Version: 1.13 ########################################################################## # Usage..: adduser [<new_user_name>] ########################################################################## # History # ########### # v1.13 - 13/01/10 # * Fixed bug that removed underscore characters from UNIX group names. # Thanks to mRgOBLIN for the report and Jim Hawkins for the fix. <sw> # v1.12 - 21/07/09 # * Adjusted the search of /etc/passwd to exclude the NIS inclusion # string. Thanks to Dominik L. Borkowski. # v1.11 - 04/06/09 # * Add power and netdev to the suggested group list # v1.10 - 24/03/08 # * To facilitate use of the automatic mounting features of HAL, # allow the admin to easily add users to the default groups: # audio,cdrom,video,plugdev,floppy. # The default is not to add new users to these groups. # And by the way, this script is "useradd from Slackware" not # "superadduser from Gentoo" ;-) # v1.09 - 07/06/04 # * Added standard Slackware script licence to the head of this file. # v1.08 - 25/04/04 # * Disallow user names that begin with a numeric because useradd # (from shadow v4.03) does not allow them. <sw> # v1.07 - 07/03/03 # * When supplying a null string for the uid (meaning 'Choose next available'), # if there were file names in the range 'a-z' in the pwd then the # egrep command considered these files rather than the null string. # The egrep expression is now in quotes. # Reported & fixed by Vadim O. Ustiansky <sw> # v1.06 - 31/03/03 # * Ask to chown user.group the home directory if it already exists. # This helps reduce later confusion when adding users whose home dir # already exists (mounted partition for example) and is owned # by a user other than the user to which the directory is being # assigned as home. Default is not to chown. # Brought to my attention by mRgOBLIN. <sw> # v1.05 - 04/01/03 # * Advise & prevent users from creating logins with '.' characters # in the user name. <sw> # * Made pending account creation info look neater <sw> # v1.04 - 09/06/02 # * Catered for shadow-4.0.3's 'useradd' binary that no longer # will let you create a user that has any uppercase chars in it # This was reported on the userlocal.org forums # by 'xcp' - thanks. <sw,pjv> # v1.03 - 20/05/02 # * Support 'broken' (null lines in) /etc/passwd and # /etc/group files <sw> # * For recycling UIDs (default still 'off'), we now look in # /etc/login.defs for the UID_MIN value and use it # If not found then default to 1000 <sw> # v1.02 - 10/04/02 # * Fix user-specified UID bug. <pjv> # v1.01 - 23/03/02 # * Match Slackware indenting style, simplify. <pjv> # v1.00 - 22/03/02 # * Created ####################################################################### # Path to files pfile=/etc/passwd gfile=/etc/group sfile=/etc/shells # Paths to binaries useradd=/usr/sbin/useradd chfn=/usr/bin/chfn passwd=/usr/bin/passwd chmod=/bin/chmod # Defaults defhome=/home defshell=/bin/bash defchmod=711 # home dir permissions - may be preferable to use 701, however. defgroup=users AGID="audio cdrom floppy plugdev video power netdev" # additional groups for desktop users # Determine what the minimum UID is (for UID recycling) # (we ignore it if it's not at the beginning of the line (i.e. commented out with #)) export recycleUIDMIN="$(grep ^UID_MIN /etc/login.defs | awk '{print $2}' 2>/dev/null)" # If we couldn't find it, set it to the default of 1000 if [ -z "$recycleUIDMIN" ]; then export recycleUIDMIN=1000 # this is the default from Slackware's /etc/login.defs fi # This setting enables the 'recycling' of older unused UIDs. # When you userdel a user, it removes it from passwd and shadow but it will # never get used again unless you specify it expliticly -- useradd (appears to) just # look at the last line in passwd and increment the uid. I like the idea of # recycling uids but you may have very good reasons not to (old forgotten # confidential files still on the system could then be owned by this new user). # We'll set this to no because this is what the original adduser shell script # did and it's what users expect. recycleuids=no # Function to read keyboard input. # bash1 is broken (even ash will take read -ep!), so we work around # it (even though bash1 is no longer supported on Slackware). function get_input() { local output if [ "`echo $BASH_VERSION | cut -b1`" = "1" ]; then echo -n "${1} " >&2 # fudge for use with bash v1 read output else # this should work with any other /bin/sh read -ep "${1} " output fi echo $output } # Function to display the account info function display () { local goose goose="$(echo $2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)" # lop off the prefixed argument useradd needs echo -n "$1 " # If it's null then display the 'other' information if [ -z "$goose" -a ! -z "$3" ]; then echo "$3" else echo "$goose" fi } # Function to check whether groups exist in the /etc/group file function check_group () { local got_error group if [ ! -z "$@" ]; then for group in $@ ; do local uid_not_named="" uid_not_num="" grep -v "$^" $gfile | awk -F: '{print $1}' | grep "^${group}$" >/dev/null 2>&1 || uid_not_named=yes grep -v "$^" $gfile | awk -F: '{print $3}' | grep "^${group}$" >/dev/null 2>&1 || uid_not_num=yes if [ ! -z "$uid_not_named" -a ! -z "$uid_not_num" ]; then echo "- Group '$group' does not exist" got_error=yes fi done fi # Return exit code of 1 if at least one of the groups didn't exist if [ ! -z "$got_error" ]; then return 1 fi } #: Read the login name for the new user :# # # Remember that most Mail Transfer Agents are case independant, so having # 'uSer' and 'user' may cause confusion/things to break. Because of this, # useradd from shadow-4.0.3 no longer accepts usernames containing uppercase, # and we must reject them, too. # Set the login variable to the command line param echo LOGIN="$1" needinput=yes while [ ! -z $needinput ]; do if [ -z "$LOGIN" ]; then while [ -z "$LOGIN" ]; do LOGIN="$(get_input "Login name for new user []:")" ; done fi grep "^${LOGIN}:" $pfile >/dev/null 2>&1 # ensure it's not already used if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "- User '$LOGIN' already exists; please choose another" unset LOGIN elif [ ! -z "$( echo $LOGIN | grep "^[0-9]" )" ]; then echo "- User names cannot begin with a number; please choose another" unset LOGIN elif [ ! "$LOGIN" = "`echo $LOGIN | tr A-Z a-z`" ]; then # useradd does not allow uppercase echo "- User '$LOGIN' contains illegal characters (uppercase); please choose another" unset LOGIN elif [ ! -z "$( echo $LOGIN | grep '\.' )" ]; then echo "- User '$LOGIN' contains illegal characters (period/dot); please choose another" unset LOGIN else unset needinput fi done # Display the user name passed from the shell if it hasn't changed if [ "$1" = "$LOGIN" ]; then echo "Login name for new user: $LOGIN" fi #: Get the UID for the user & ensure it's not already in use :# # # Whilst we _can_ allow users with identical UIDs, it's not a 'good thing' because # when you change password for the uid, it finds the first match in /etc/passwd # which isn't necessarily the correct user # echo needinput=yes while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do _UID="$(get_input "User ID ('UID') [ defaults to next available ]:")" egrep -v "^$|^\+" $pfile | awk -F: '{print $3}' | grep "^${_UID}$" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "- That UID is already in use; please choose another" elif [ ! -z "$(echo $_UID | egrep '[A-Za-z]')" ]; then echo "- UIDs are numerics only" else unset needinput fi done # If we were given a UID, then syntax up the variable to pass to useradd if [ ! -z "$_UID" ]; then U_ID="-u ${_UID}" else # Will we be recycling UIDs? if [ "$recycleuids" = "yes" ]; then U_ID="-u $(awk -F: '{uid[$3]=1} END { for (i=ENVIRON["recycleUIDMIN"];i in uid;i++);print i}' $pfile)" fi fi #: Get the initial group for the user & ensure it exists :# # # We check /etc/group for both the text version and the group ID number echo needinput=yes while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do GID="$(get_input "Initial group [ ${defgroup} ]:")" check_group "$GID" if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "- Please choose another" else unset needinput fi done # Syntax the variable ready for useradd if [ -z "$GID" ]; then GID="-g ${defgroup}" else GID="-g ${GID}" fi #: Get additional groups for the user :# # echo "Additional UNIX groups:" echo echo "Users can belong to additional UNIX groups on the system." echo "For local users using graphical desktop login managers such" echo "as XDM/KDM, users may need to be members of additional groups" echo "to access the full functionality of removable media devices." echo echo "* Security implications *" echo "Please be aware that by adding users to additional groups may" echo "potentially give access to the removable media of other users." echo echo "If you are creating a new user for remote shell access only," echo "users do not need to belong to any additional groups as standard," echo "so you may press ENTER at the next prompt." echo needinput=yes while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do history -c history -s "$AGID" echo "Press ENTER to continue without adding any additional groups" echo "Or press the UP arrow key to add/select/edit additional groups" AGID="$(get_input ": " | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9 _]//g;s/ */ /g;s/^ $//g' )" if [ ! -z "$AGID" ]; then check_group "$AGID" # check all groups at once (treated as N # of params) if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "- Please re-enter the group(s)" echo else unset needinput # we found all groups specified AGID="-G $(echo $AGID | tr ' ' ,)" # useradd takes comma delimited groups fi else unset needinput # we don't *have* to have additional groups fi done #: Get the new user's home dir :# # echo needinput=yes while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do HME="$(get_input "Home directory [ ${defhome}/${LOGIN} ]")" if [ -z "$HME" ]; then HME="${defhome}/${LOGIN}" fi # Warn the user if the home dir already exists if [ -d "$HME" ]; then echo "- Warning: '$HME' already exists !" getyn="$(get_input " Do you wish to change the home directory path ? (Y/n) ")" if [ "$(echo $getyn | grep -i "n")" ]; then unset needinput # You're most likely going to only do this if you have the dir *mounted* for this user's $HOME getyn="$(get_input " Do you want to chown $LOGIN.$( echo $GID | awk '{print $2}') $HME ? (y/N) ")" if [ "$(echo $getyn | grep -i "y")" ]; then CHOWNHOMEDIR=$HME # set this to the home directory fi fi else unset needinput fi done HME="-d ${HME}" #: Get the new user's shell :# echo needinput=yes while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do unset got_error SHL="$(get_input "Shell [ ${defshell} ]")" if [ -z "$SHL" ]; then SHL="${defshell}" fi # Warn the user if the shell doesn't exist in /etc/shells or as a file if [ -z "$(grep "^${SHL}$" $sfile)" ]; then echo "- Warning: ${SHL} is not in ${sfile} (potential problem using FTP)" got_error=yes fi if [ ! -f "$SHL" ]; then echo "- Warning: ${SHL} does not exist as a file" got_error=yes fi if [ ! -z "$got_error" ]; then getyn="$(get_input " Do you wish to change the shell ? (Y/n) ")" if [ "$(echo $getyn | grep -i "n")" ]; then unset needinput fi else unset needinput fi done SHL="-s ${SHL}" #: Get the expiry date :# echo needinput=yes while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do EXP="$(get_input "Expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) []:")" if [ ! -z "$EXP" ]; then # Check to see whether the expiry date is in the valid format if [ -z "$(echo "$EXP" | grep "^[[:digit:]]\{4\}[-]\?[[:digit:]]\{2\}[-]\?[[:digit:]]\{2\}$")" ]; then echo "- That is not a valid expiration date" else unset needinput EXP="-e ${EXP}" fi else unset needinput fi done # Display the info about the new impending account echo echo "New account will be created as follows:" echo echo "---------------------------------------" display "Login name.......: " "$LOGIN" display "UID..............: " "$_UID" "[ Next available ]" display "Initial group....: " "$GID" display "Additional groups: " "$AGID" "[ None ]" display "Home directory...: " "$HME" display "Shell............: " "$SHL" display "Expiry date......: " "$EXP" "[ Never ]" echo echo "This is it... if you want to bail out, hit Control-C. Otherwise, press" echo "ENTER to go ahead and make the account." read junk echo echo "Creating new account..." echo echo # Add the account to the system CMD="$useradd "$HME" -m "$EXP" "$U_ID" "$GID" "$AGID" "$SHL" "$LOGIN"" $CMD if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "- Error running useradd command -- account not created!" echo "(cmd: $CMD)" exit 1 fi # chown the home dir ? We can only do this once the useradd has # completed otherwise the user name doesn't exist. if [ ! -z "${CHOWNHOMEDIR}" ]; then chown "$LOGIN"."$( echo $GID | awk '{print $2}')" "${CHOWNHOMEDIR}" fi # Set the finger information $chfn "$LOGIN" if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "- Warning: an error occurred while setting finger information" fi # Set a password $passwd "$LOGIN" if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then echo "* WARNING: An error occured while setting the password for" echo " this account. Please manually investigate this *" exit 1 fi # If it was created (it should have been!), set the permissions for that user's dir HME="$(echo "$HME" | awk '{print $2}')" # We have to remove the -g prefix if [ -d "$HME" ]; then $chmod $defchmod "$HME" fi echo echo echo "Account setup complete." exit 0