PACKAGE NAME: python3-txaio-22.2.1-i586-1salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/python PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 28 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 112 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: python3-txaio: python3-txaio (source code compatibility for Twisted/Trollius) python3-txaio: python3-txaio: txaio is a helper library for writing code that runs unmodified on python3-txaio: both Twisted and asyncio / Trollius. python3-txaio: python3-txaio: python3-txaio: python3-txaio: python3-txaio: python3-txaio: python3-txaio: