Title: 		getty-ps
Version: 	2.1.0
Entered-date: 	27SEP02
Description:	A versatile getty/uugetty program designed to allow easy
		use of a modem for incoming/outgoing data/fax/voice calls.
		It also allows easy set-up of regular login ports.  Unlike
		agetty, it stores most of it's configuration and port
		initialization information in up to 2 files.  This usually
		results in slightly more involved initial installation, but
		easier	maintenance than agetty.  It also leaves the
		inittab entries looking uncluttered.  Supports 57600 and
		faster speeds, and is compatible with uucp and efax-0.9[a].
		Ringback is provided as an optional feature.
Keywords:	getty uugetty serial modem ringback efax uucp
Author:		Paul Sutcliffe, Jr.
Maintained-by:	Christine Jamison <>
Original-site:	Unknown
Platforms: 	Linux (tested on 1.0.x-2.4.5, Slackware 4.0 thru 8.1); should
		compile and work on almost any Unix, after library
		compatibility is resolved and paths are checked in tune.h;
		compiles clean with gcc & 2.95.3.
Copying-policy: FRS