PACKAGE NAME: v7sh-20100108-i586-1salix15.0.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/system PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 38 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 152 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: v7sh: v7sh (port of the original Steve Bourne shell from 1978) v7sh: v7sh: This is Nikola Vladov's port of the V7 Unix Bourne shell to v7sh: modern systems, based on Geoff Collyer's port. It functions v7sh: almost identically to the original Bourne shell, with some v7sh: slight differences, and one major one: The original V7 shell v7sh: didn't support comments with the # character, but this one does. v7sh: v7sh: See for more information. v7sh: v7sh: