perl-Filesys-Df: perl-Filesys-Df (filesystem disk space information)
perl-Filesys-Df: This module provides a way to obtain filesystem disk space
perl-Filesys-Df: information. This is a Unix only distribution. If you want to gather
perl-Filesys-Df: this information for Unix and Windows, use Filesys::DfPortable.
perl-Filesys-Df: The only major benefit of using Filesys::Df over Filesys::DfPortable,
perl-Filesys-Df: is that Filesys::Df supports the use of open filehandles as arguments.
perl-Filesys-Df: df() requires a argument that represents the filesystem you want to
perl-Filesys-Df: query. The argument can be either a scalar directory/file name or a
perl-Filesys-Df: open filehandle.