Description: Ignore some files after selecting a directory. Hidden or not writeable files cause easyMp3Gain to crash sometimes. Forwarded: yes Author: Matthias Klumpp <> Last-Update: 2010-06-28 --- a/unitmain.pas +++ b/unitmain.pas @@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ begin if (ExtractFileExt(SR.Name)='.'+Extension[i]) and not ((faDirectory and SR.Attr)=faDirectory) then + {$IFDEF Unix} + //Check if file is writeable and not hidden + if (SR.Name[1]<>'.')and(fpaccess(FilePath + SR.Name ,W_OK)=0) then + {$ENDIF} ListBox.Add(FilePath + SR.Name); end; if (SubLevelMax>0) and (((faDirectory or faSymLink) and SR.Attr)=faDirectory) then //Directories @@ -670,6 +674,7 @@ sublevels: Byte; begin if not SelectDirectoryDialog.Execute then exit; + if not DirectoryExists(SelectDirectoryDialog.FileName) then exit; Application.ProcessMessages; if Sender=mnuFileAddFolderRecursive then sublevels := MediaGainOptions.SubLevelCount