PACKAGE NAME: ncmpcpp-0.6.8-i486-1salix.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/audio PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 500 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 2000 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: boost,curl,cyrus-sasl,fftw,gcc,gcc-g++,icu4c,libidn,libmpdclient,libssh2,libtermcap,ncurses,openldap-client,openssl|openssl-solibs,readline,taglib,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: ncmpcpp: Ncmpcpp (clone of ncmpc with some new features written in C++) ncmpcpp: ncmpcpp: ncmpcpp is almost exact clone of ncmpc (a curses based MPD client), ncmpcpp: but it contains some new features ncmpc doesn't have: ncmpcpp: lyrics, tag editor, playlists editor, fetching artist's info from ncmpcpp:, etc... ncmpcpp: ncmpcpp: ncmpcpp: ncmpcpp: ncmpcpp: