PACKAGE NAME: python-elementtree-1.2.7_20070827_preview-x86_64-1salix.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./salix/python PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 38 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 152 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: python-elementtree: elementtree ( Python library wrapper for XML ) python-elementtree: python-elementtree: The Element type is a simple but flexible container object, designed python-elementtree: to store hierarchical data structures, such as simplified XML python-elementtree: infosets, in memory. The element type can be described as a cross python-elementtree: between a Python list and a Python dictionary. python-elementtree: python-elementtree: The ElementTree wrapper type adds code to load XML files as trees of python-elementtree: Element objects, and save them back again. python-elementtree: python-elementtree: Homepage: