This is a C-language AMQP client library for use with v2.0+ of the
RabbitMQ broker.

* `BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON/OFF` toggles building the examples. 
   OFF by default.

* `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON/OFF` toggles building rabbitmq-c as a shared 
   ON by default.

* `BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON/OFF` toggles building rabbitmq-c as a static 
   OFF by default.

* `BUILD_TESTS=ON/OFF` toggles building test code. 
   OFF by default.

* `BUILD_TOOLS=ON/OFF` toggles building the command line tools.
   ON by default.

* `BUILD_TOOLS_DOCS=ON/OFF` toggles building the man pages for the 
   command line tools. 
   ON by default if BUILD_TOOLS is ON and xmlto is installed.

* `ENABLE_SSL_SUPPORT=ON/OFF` toggles building rabbitmq-c with SSL 
   ON by default if the OpenSSL headers and library can be found.

* `BUILD_API_DOCS=ON/OFF` toggles building the Doxygen API documentation
   OFF by default.

* `RUN_SYSTEM_TESTS=ON/OFF` toggles building the system tests.  Tests
   require an accessible RabbitMQ server instance on localhost.
   OFF by default.

If BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON or BUILD_TESTS=ON then executable programs will
be compiled from sources in /usr/doc/rabbitmq-c-$VERSION/examples/src/
-and-or- /usr/doc/rabbitmq-c-$VERSION/examples/src/ The Extra Programs
will be installed in /usr/doc/rabbitmq-c-$VERSION/{examples,tests}/bin/

For Example, to build examples and tests:


To build a nice html Doxygen API documentation tree in the directory
/usr/doc/rabbitmq-c-$VERSION/html/ you need to pass BUILD_API_DOCS=ON
to the script, for example

  BUILD_API_DOCS=ON ./rabbitmq-c.SlackBuild

To build examples, tests and the html documentation:

BUILD_API_DOCS=ON ./rabbitmq-c.SlackBuild